Karnatak University Journal of Science

Author guidelines

Manuscript must be submitted as Microsoft Word document with text in Times New Roman font with size 12. The manuscript be structured as: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions, Acknowledgment followed by References. The length of MS should not exceed 12 typed pages.

  1. Title of research article should be centered and followed by authors, their affiliation, along with contact e-mail ID of the corresponding author.
  2. Name of the corresponding author should be identified by an asterisk (*).
  3. Abstract not exceeding 250 words be included on Title page followed by 4-5 key words. Each key word must be separated by a semicolon (;).
  4. The references should be cited in text with a square bracket [21] and be limited to 30.
  5. Subtitles used in the manuscript must be in bold, and follow the numbering order as: 1, 1.1, 1.2; 2, 2.1, 2,2; etc.
  6. Text after the subtitle should follow directly without paragraph, whereas subsequent paragraphs must start with paragraphs.
  7. Colored figures will be included in print copy, if necessary.
  8. Representation of figure, scheme and table should be in the body of the text as Fig. 1, Scheme 1 and Table 1, respectively.If the sentence starts with the indication of any Figure, then it should be written as Figure 1 (For example).The examples of figure, scheme and table captions are to be represented as:
    • Figure 1. Fluorescence spectra of ternary quantum dots.
    • Scheme 1. Synthesis of chromophores.
    • Table 1. Physical and thermal properties of NLO materials.
  9. Style of references:
    1. Books
      • W. J. Koros, B. T. Chen, R. T. Chem, Handbook of Separation Process Technology, Wiley-Interscience: New York, USA, p67 (1987)
    2. Book Chapter
      • M. Zhu, T. Y. Jhab, K. K. Sirkar, Optical plastics – a wonderful material, In: Basics of Non-linear Optics, T. Brouse, R. A. Huggins, eds. Elsevier: New York, USA, p54 (2001).
    3. Journals
      • S.R. Inamdar, J.R. Mannekutla, M.S. Sannaikar, M.N. Wari, B.G. Mulimani and M.I. Savadatti, Photophysics and rotational diffusion dynamics of large prolate non-polar laser dyes, J. Mol. Liquids., 268C, 66-76 (2018)
      • A.R. Nesaragi, R.R. Kamble, S.R. Hoolageri, S. Dixit, S.D. Joshi, S.Vootla and V.M. Kumbar, Microwave-assisted copper (I) catalyzed A3 cascade coupling of imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines via C–H bond functionalization as selective COX-2 inhibitors and antioxidants, and in silico studies, New J. Chem., 47, 9401-9413 (2023).
      • S. Sebastian, N. Sundaraganesan, Spectrochim. Act., A75, 941-952 (2010).
    4. Conference Proceedings
      • K.P. Medium, A.S.R. Usha, C.K. Menon, Proc. 5th Annual Conference on Polymers, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 5-21, p. 47 (1997).